Our Mission

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The pantry is a ministry of North Lake Presbyterian Church which opened in 1998. Our supplemental grocery program for local families in need, improves their quality of life, helps sustain health, good nutrition, energy, human dignity and the opportunity for family members to meet their full potential.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Merry Christmas To You and Yours!

     Thank you to everyone who has been so generous throughout the year in helping our pantry feed those in need.  We have had a blessed year.  In November we were thrilled to be able to help 416 families with food and a Thanksgiving Turkey or Ham with all the fixings!
     We will be providing our families with Christmas Dinner Hams or Turkeys also along with other groceries for a complete dinner.  This is only possible with the support of our wonderful community.
     May God bless you and yours through the Holiday Season and always.  Thank you again for delivering God's blessings to so many in need.

Thursday, October 1, 2015



Help make the holidays brighter for others!

     In October 373 families were helped with supplemental groceries thanks to your support and God's blessings. This brings our 2015 total to 3083 families assisted!  Most of our families come to the pantry once per month, but those most needy get assistance twice during the month. 
    Beginning November 1st, we will be giving our clients items needed for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner!  In December, we will also provide Christmas dinner items.  We anticipate giving out at least 300 Thanksgiving Day and 300 Christmas Dinner packages to clients during November and December.  Each family will receive these items:
Frozen Turkey/ Ham
Turkey Gravy Packet
Cranberry Sauce
Boxed Mashed Potatoes
Canned Yams/Sweet Potatoes
 Cans Green Beans
 Creamed & Whole Kernel Corn
Pumpkin or other type Desert Mix
Evaporated Milk
Please help us by donating any items listed above, or any other special Holiday treat you would like to give.  Thanks so much for your help!  If you would rather make a monetary contribution, use the on-line giving link on the right or send your donation to: Christian Food Pantry/NLPC, 103 High Avenue, Lady Lake, FL  32159
Happy Thanksgiving!
May God Bless You and Yours.

Friday, July 31, 2015

God has been gracious in his blessings!

"A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor."

-Proverbs 22:9

Through June 2015, our little pantry has distributed 115,795 pounds of food to 1965 local families in need!  These families represent 5397 individuals.  Our families need temporary help due to loss of work, underemployment, disability, medical issues or temporary setbacks.  Most also receive food stamps but still need a helping hand in order to feed themselves and their families.

Hunger is year round, if you hear God's calling, you can help in these ways:

  • Bring in canned goods, pet food, or designate a few dollars for the food pantry each month

  • Organize a food drive within your own neighborhood or social club once or twice a year donate the items collected to the pantry

  • Spread the word so others might also be inclined to support the pantry


A Little History, What's Happening Now

Our Mission: To share God's blessings, improve the quality of life, help sustain health, good nutrition, energy, human dignity and the opportunity for family members to meet their full potential by providing supplemental groceries to local families in need.
In 1998, Jane Waters and Vernie Miller, members of NLPC, witnessed poverty in the Lady Lake area.  They noticed neighbors doing without basic food staples.  The two decided they would take action.  The Christian Food Pantry was born.  The Villages formed a partnership with NLPC and built an 1150 square foot building in one day!  The idea turned into reality and the pantry opened to help local families in need with supplemental groceries. The pantry quickly became an important ministry of North Lake Presbyterian Church helping hundreds of local families. We are a 501C3 under North Lake Presbyterian Church.

In 2010 pantry volunteers realized that some clients were facing giving up their family pet because they couldn’t afford pet food.  In many cases, the pet is the sole company for senior clients.  The pantry decided to expand it mission to include assisting clients with pet food.

About one third of our families are struggling to keep their family pet. All are trying to make ends meet with poverty level income, either from working, social security income or disability income.  Most are doing as much as they are able to help themselves. They all appreciate the help provided by the pantry and don’t hesitate to let us know.

Hunger is year round, if you feel God's calling, you can help in these ways:
  1. Bring in canned goods, pet food, or designate a few dollars for the food pantry each month
  2. Organize a food drive within your own neighborhood or social club once or twice a year donate the items collected to the pantry
  3. Spread the word so others might also be inclined to support the pantry

Thank you for your continued support……………….Carrol Neal, Director

Items Currently Needed

  • Beans - Canned or Dry
  • Cake Mix
  • Canned Tomatoes
  • Canned Tuna, Chicken and Salmon
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Cereal
  • Dog or Cat Food
  • Eggs
  • Fresh Fruit or Vegetables
  • Frosting
  • Fruit
  • Gritts
  • Jelly
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Meals in a Box - Hamburger Helper
  • Pancake Mix
  • Peanut Butter
  • Soup
  • Spaghetti Sauce
  • Toilet Paper