Our Mission

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The pantry is a ministry of North Lake Presbyterian Church which opened in 1998. Our supplemental grocery program for local families in need, improves their quality of life, helps sustain health, good nutrition, energy, human dignity and the opportunity for family members to meet their full potential.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Pantry Now Accepting Holiday Food Donations

  Hurricane Irma took it's toll on the Lady Lake area, leaving the pantry without power for a full week.  Without any power, we were forced to close.  During that time we unfortunately lost all perishable goods in our freezers and refrigerators.  Thanks to our generous community, we did have reserve funds to continue to provide frozen meat to our clients.  Plans are in place to look into generators to at least keep lights and some cold storage capacity up and running should there be the need in the future.

   God blesses our pantry daily!  Even with this little setback, we assisted 309 families during the month of September.  To date this year we have provided 3,119 families with over 9,000 bags of groceries!

   Now, it is time to collect for our Thanksgiving and Christmas Basket donations.  Each year we provide Turkeys or Hams and all the fixings to our families for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  You may help by donating any of the following items by November 1st or December 1st respectively.

Boxed Holiday Desert
Boxed Cornbread Mix
Boxed Jell-O / Pudding Mix
Boxed or Bagged Turkey Stuffing Mix
Boxed Mashed Potatoes / Sweet Potatoes Mixes
Canned Vegetables (Corn, Green Beans, Yams)
Canned Cranberries (Jellied or Whole)
Canned Cream of Mushroom Soup
Canned Fruit (Mandaran Oranges, Pineapple)
Evaporated Milk
French Fried Onion Topping
Frozen Turkeys / Hams

The week prior to the holiday, we can also accept fresh potatoes, sweet potatoes etc.

   Thank you in advance for your continued support of the Christian Food Pantry.  You are indeed a blessing to many in need.

Monday, January 9, 2017


Thank you for your donations of food and/or money which helped provide food to local families who are less fortunate.  We are thankful for God’s many blessings and angels like you carrying out his works.  In 2016, 4466 families made up of 11,963 individuals were helped.

We want to send a big THANK YOU to our 100+ volunteers also who make our ministry possible.  Each of our volunteers donate at least two hours per week of their precious time to help those in need.

While we do not have a current need for more volunteers, you can make a difference by: 
       Hosting a food drive (your community, church group or local club)
       Make a donation of food, pet food or money
       Encourage your friends and neighbors to consider supporting the Christian Food Pantry
       If you are a retiree, check to see if your company has a matching donation program for charitable contributions, if so consider the pantry
       Keep the Christian Food Pantry, the volunteers and those families who are provided help in your prayers.

May God bless you and yours in 2017 and always!

Items Currently Needed

  • Beans - Canned or Dry
  • Cake Mix
  • Canned Tomatoes
  • Canned Tuna, Chicken and Salmon
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Cereal
  • Dog or Cat Food
  • Eggs
  • Fresh Fruit or Vegetables
  • Frosting
  • Fruit
  • Gritts
  • Jelly
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Meals in a Box - Hamburger Helper
  • Pancake Mix
  • Peanut Butter
  • Soup
  • Spaghetti Sauce
  • Toilet Paper