Pantry Update - June 2012
Much has been happening at the pantry these days. We are computerizing our records to better track our numbers and our demographics of those served. By knowing our clients better, we hope to serve their needs better.
The Christian Food Pantry has now been approved as a partner with Second Harvest of Central Florida. By partnering with Second Harvest we will be able to puchase some grocery items at a much lower cost than normal retail purchasing. We will also have access to some "Free" items.
January 1 to May 31, 2012 the pantry has helped 1491 families with supplemental groceries! These families represent 4097 men, women and children. We are seeing our demographics change with younger famlies with children moving into the Lady Lake area.
Thank you for your support of the pantry and for your interest in helping those less fortunate. May God Bless you and yours today and always.